Sunday, April 15, 2012

One Day At The Used-Elephant Lot...

...A little boy asked the senior mahout what became of saddle elephants who rolled on their passengers, crushing the fancy carrier and riders alike.

"Why, we have to put them to death, kid. It's very sad."

The lad wanted to know what happened next -- would the elephant be reborn as something repulsive, or be punished in the afterlife? He had a guess about it, he told the mahout, who replied.... (Wait for it, wait for it....)

"Howdah hell, did you guess?"

Thank you, thank you -- try the veal. Or the elephant!


  1. Puns like that hurt little puppies, you know. Stop.

    Mike James

  2. *groan*

    But elephant is pretty tasty, at least the time I had it. Giraffe's better. Maybe Tam can shoot one.


  3. She beta-tested this one on me in the car. I groaned, too. :o

  4. I could get all 'Topsie' on you, but I won't. She might have fed some folks. What's that old saying?

  5. @ Jerry ; "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

  6. "I shot an elephant in my pyjamas once. How it got into them, I'll never know."


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