(Thanks to Hal West -- not his real name but he'll know himself -- at the Skunk Works for the title, which was his first comment to me after finding the Adventures. AFAIK, he's a teetotaler, too!)
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Your blog makes me want to blow big holes in the ground; Your blog makes me want to balance a pair of SU carbs with a garden hose; Your blog makes me want to load a TCR-100 and put a 10-second spot in the middle of the break!
Hey! I see your blog, like mine, got a rating of a college reading level. Congrats to a fellow blogger who appeals to the most intelligent people in the blogosphere!
And here I was thinking they were telling me my blog was difficult to read!
A good reminder, D. Martyn, and I thank you for it. Always look on the bright side; it costs the same and it's more fun.
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