Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas Doll

...I swan, they gave me a Baby Tam doll. Okay, we have to make some allowances-- the T-shirt really should have a S&W logo, or a skull and crossbones, or a ninja riding a unicycle* or suchlike instead of a heart, and she really should have jeans or 511 tacslax instead of a denim skirt, and the vest-pocket .41 seems to have been omitted, but still -- Tam at age 6 or 7? Give or take a cap gun, pretty close. Not that I'd, like, tease her about it or anything.

(Per Mom: "We looked and looked for one with your hair color!" They don't make that kind; hair the color of enamelled copper wire has never been all that popular. Meanwhile, blondes continue to claim to have more fun. Wanna bet?)

I'm keeping this one away from the cats, they tend to become jealous.
* Sold here. I am merely a satisified customer and receive no remuneration.


  1. My iPod isn't as cool as hers. They got the slightly-dazed look down cold, tho'.

  2. Very nice! I got a salad spinner, not nearly as exciting. (and doesn't look like Tam at all, darn it.)

  3. S&W? Naw.

    Needs a little Kalashnikitty T-shirt :)


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