Friday, February 29, 2008

Mailbox: Such Swag!

If I'd'a known people were gonna send kewl stuff, I'd'a rented out space to gun-blogger gals a long time ago!

Mucho thanx to Joe Huffman, who sent a brace of wonderfully geekworthy T-shirts; felicitations and a labcoat & goggle-wearing "yum!" to Stingray and Labrat of Atomic Nerds for the huge big bag of Actual! Home! Made! peanut butter cookies; and a delighted grin for Turk Turon, who found and sent not only a pair of "View From The Porch" (though not the Porch) calendars but a marvelous picture book about Bad Airplanes. And a smile and a hat-tip to all the other friends who've helped out, too! (Also to Target for the kewl "digital skull" T-shirts, 'cos they are).

Y'all're the bestest!

(Correction, 14 hours on: I had credited CarteachO for the T-shirts; this'll teach me to blog prior to coffee! My apologies to both fine gentlemen. >blush<)


  1. Glad you liked 'em! Did they get too banged up in shipping?

  2. I did?

    I mean I would, sure, if I had an address and all that...but....
    ah.... I musta not been with me the day I sent that.....

  3. No, it turns out you were Joe Huffman that day....

  4. And the cookies? Maybe five broken out of...some staggeringly wast quantity. Couple dozen, at least. Splendid-tasting!

  5. Sheesh... now I feel like I just heard about a good BBQ, the day after it happened!


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