Sunday, May 04, 2008

Your Tax Yen At Work

A yen for something, anyway: a bureaucrat in Japan suspended after spending hours a day "gazing at online porn."

So that's why they say "you'll go blind!"

D'ya suppose we could slow down Washington's lust for legislation if we gave 'em all access to "adult" sites? It's not like the halls of power could get any grodier.

Feh. "Gazing." Hello? Euphemisms, Inc.? Do you offer bulk rates?


  1. "Firing the Surgeon General."

    That's my favorite euphemism for it.

    (Note to self: must stop goofing off at work.)

  2. Too much gazing and you'll go brind!

  3. On the other hand [NPI]...

    Remember that '80s hit, "Turning Japanese"?


    I think not!

  4. "D'ya suppose we could slow down Washington's lust for legislation if we gave 'em all access to "adult" sites?"

    They don't need online porn as long as there are restrooms and dumbass interns.

  5. What I find amazing is that he did this not for a coupla days, not for a coupla weeks, but 8 months, and he only got suspended.

    Doncha just love government jobs?

  6. "They don't need online porn as long as there are restrooms and dumbass interns."

    ...and airport restrooms.

  7. You think they don't have it? The rules which apply to los peons don't apply to the lofty towers of power.

    They always need unfettered Internet access for "research", dontcha know?


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