Sunday, June 29, 2008

NRA vs. SF: Oh, Heller Yeah

NRA and CCRKBA found themselves a gay gun-owner who lives in a San Franciso Housing Authority-run condo apartment building for their firearms-rights lawsuit in the City By The Bay. It's a little brain-puzzle for the Mayor and lefty press to cope with -- and the guy's reasons (not wanting to be a helpless victim when bashers come to call) make perfect sense.


  1. Rah Rah Rah NRA
    this will be interesting to see played out. And what are you doing up at 3:30?

  2. I enjoy watching these scenarios in which the cognitive disconnect of the Anti-s is so apparent. I fear that the NRA may have had to search long and hard to find someone from the GLBTQA community who would openly support 2nd Amendment rights. I see both the RKBA and GLBTQA communities as having a fundamental common interest: individual freedom. Pink Pistols sees it important to build bridges between the two.

  3. Yes, Sherm. It is a beautiful thing when the ungodly get hoist on their own petard.


  4. This is great. The forces of liberty are on the march in America, leading the way to real hope and positive change.

  5. I was going to leave a snarky comment, but I decided that being polite would be better. Still, the nerve of some people to think that might be able to protect themselves. Who do they think they are? Citizens of the United States? Oh, wait a minute ...

  6. The "apartment" is in the public housing "projects" in Ess Eff. Not a safe place at all.

    I don't actually stop in that neighborhood if driving through, especially at night as I am driving while white.


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