Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Quick! Post New Content!

Heard from one of the anchors on a network TV morning show, after an "expert" with a degree in something -- not physics! -- warned how the Large Hardon Hadron* Collider will Sour The Milk (and Life As We Know It) or some such lunacy: "Man, I'll be Googling him after the show."
Um, sir? Sir?
Fail. Epic Fail.
You just admitted your "service" is irrelevant. You're supposed to pretend you still matter.

I'd like to post more. And there will be plenty coming. But right now, I am up to my neck in making sure that come February of '09, your Grandma prolly won't be able to watch her soap operas. Ain't I sump'in?
* A typo but when you consider the hating letch the usual anti-real-science suspects have for it, it might as well be....


  1. >> Large Hardon Collider

    Was that on purpose?

  2. Hah, we already have the converter box and a HDTV antenna! It's a bit sharper than the old stuff and I get many extra spanish, chinese, and korean(?)-language channels, plus "Girls Gone Fishing!" on some new channel called IONlife...

  3. Oh noes! the large Hardon collider will cause impotentance on a global scale! :)

  4. AHA!! So this whole digital TV situation IS your fault!! You admit it at last!!

  5. I do. I planned it, I'm executing it and when I am done? You'll either pay me $42.95 for a converter box or Feel My Wrath: no television for you!

  6. Hey Roberta,

    Is Channel 4 going to come in any better? It is certainly made of sux right now.

    And will my kitchen light still cause intereference w/ channel 6? (dang T8 lightbulbs) :)

  7. Wednesday morning, and I see we're still here.

    Does that mean it didn't work?


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