Let's make it the 28th! --I'm hoping not to be up to my neck in Enabling Our Wonderful Digital Future on the 21st but right now? I would not bet money that I'm not gonna be in there trying to make it play.
So said, so postered:

If anyone wants to grab and post this one or the small-size-optimized version in the sidebar, please do! (Or the antiqued samizdatized version -- I couldn't resist).
Good News!
There is a camel caravan leaving Bishkek which will arrive in Indianapolis in time for the BlogMeet. Traveling by way of Hotan, Qyxylorda and Dalandzadgad. I have bribed the porters with gold and rare spices to take a slight detour down the Monon Trail. They travel only at night to avoid bandits.
Looking forward to it!
Please have your roomie check her e-mail at her convenience.
Hooray! Tuyrk will be at the BlogMeet!
Rick, y'have been e-mailed.
Sounds good, see you there!
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