Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pre-dawn Thoughts

Not much time for posting this morning, but as I laid in bed, half-awake and the various lurid missteps of sundry politicians were paraded across the television, I muttered, "Lay down with fleas, get up with dogs."

     That is the way it seems to work any more.  Oh, they're bad dudes; I figure anyone much above a first-term City Councilman has got some skeleton in the closet.  Yet somehow it still surprises each of them when it comes out, and there's a flurry of protest akin to a cat headed for a bath.  What, you didn't notice when it happened to your peers?

1 comment:

  1. While I don't totally agree with him, I sympathize with an old friend ... ex-vet who lives in the NH mountains. His advice on politicians is, "Don't vote. You'll only encourage the assholes."

    I don't know what we're going to do with the politicians in our two countries. They're untrustworthy, venal and only out for themselves and their pensions.



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