Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Food! 'Nother Hog Roast On The Horizon!

No word on their website but if I understood the sign at the market, Locally Grown Gardens will have another Hog Roast this coming Saturday.  Home made bread, prolly more fine pies, very fine salmon if pork's not your thing....  Ahhh, Broad Ripple in the Fall.


  1. I'm thinking that one right around Thanksgiving would be kinda kewl.

  2. Mmmmmm... Roast piggy!

    (Word Verification: "CALSA", as in "New Calsa, the diest salsa! Low on calories but high on taste!"

  3. I hope to be back and rested up for that. Getting tired of cafeteria food and takeout.

    This time I AM buying some of that apple pie.

    Word Verification: "potion" as in "I'd like me a big potion of that pig"

  4. I am so ****ing envious of you guys!

  5. Might there be some kind of organized group descent in the offing, or is that just a gal thing?

    (TW: "prootil"
    Something medicinal I don't want to know about.)

  6. We're thinkin' early afternoon -- go shoot all morning, was up, gorge on the hog.

  7. PS: Sorry, Turk We'd mail you some but the Post Office guys just open it and eat it.

  8. Re Sat: If you get a time figured out, hang a comment on my site or e-mail me (address is on the card) and I'll meet the gang there.

    Also: AOS thing seems to be coalescing toward weekend of the 22nd-23rd. Wanna do a joint one Sunday 23rd?


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