Thursday, November 27, 2008


There's a new Nerd Test.  I did okay. says I'm a Cool Nerd Goddess.  What are you?  Click here!


Drang said...

Wow, you got a higher score than me in everything, even Dumb/Dork/Awkward. I feel so inadequate.

breda said...

that's cool nerd goddess

Roberta X said...

Not according to the genderanalyzer! (Hmpf). --I think the Nerd test considers the term "God" to be unisex.

Anonymous said...

I got "Dorky nerd king". I suppose it has to do with those pesky interpersonal relationships I insist on maintaining.

Chuck Pergiel said...

You beat me in every category. I am a "Cool Science Geek"

George Groot said...

I bow before your superior 1337ness.

Julie said...

I'm an "Uber Cool High Nerd" - is that good?

Roberta X said...

It must be!