Saturday, March 28, 2009

Indy BlogMeet Tomorrow!

Broad Ripple Brew Pub. Open to bloggers and blog-readers!

(Today, for me, much digging out from under and laundry; my road-trip left me with a bit more to get done).

BlogMeet Sunday: See you there!


  1. Unfortunately, I won't make it this time. I have my son and promised I would take him to the Indy Children's Museum tomorrow afternoon. Say 'hi' to everyone for me.

  2. Much to my chagrin, last-minute ... OK, last-week ... stuff has obviated my attendance. ::sniff:: You will be missed.


  3. I can't make it either.

    I will be at the range with Breda.

  4. I wish I could, but I'm shooting a match in the ayem, and tabulating results in the peeyem.

  5. I have to pass on this time. I have a work shift I can get out of, but I need the money. Plus, maybe next time, it can be nice where I can take a morning spin on the Monon and finish with the blogmeet! Plus, we're getting freezing rain here, and I avoid the Interstate, going down in these conditions with the never ending gale winds. I know, 1-800-waah.

  6. Well, I'll be there. Tam will. And we'll bring books, too. If we're the only ones that show up, we'll have to eat nice hot food in a warm place on a cold day. Ghu alone know how we will bear up under the strain.

  7. I do wish I could go, but being 1000 miles south is a little problem. But some folks are gonna have a great time ("warty toad goodness" or not) and that's the important thing. Besides, you are stimulating the economy!! America needs you!

  8. I'll probably make it, but can't stay to long today.

    wv: deraily - as in what happens to plans at the last minute

  9. Wish I coulda been there! One of these days, though...


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