Monday, March 09, 2009


Today: how about an Objectivist superhero? Bam! Zowie!

The Weekend: Scroll down for Little-Known History, sad truths, Indy's PR fail, and BlogMeet info!

Upcoming: I Balance My Check Book (Oh, the drama! Oh, the suspense! Oh, gotta five 'til payday?) and the first installment of a new arc of "I Work On A Starship."

And it is all right here. Except for the checkbook part.


  1. I don't abuse my emotions! Heh! The sequence is unclear as to how the bystander gal was injured. Or did I miss something? However, I did notice the seamed stockings and heels.

    Neat calling card too.

  2. In the early 70's there were so many attempts at Randite comic heroes that a well-thumbed parody made the rounds:

    Hank Defiance, Boy Objectivist.

  3. Mr A stands in the shadow of Libertarian Man!

  4. "I work on a Starship" is all that's got me through "how many days does this damn flu bug las?".

    Look forward to the next one,it needs to be published as a novelette.

  5. In The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Frank Miller made The Question an anarcho-capitalist, arguing with billionaire Commie Oliver Queen (Green Arrow): "Ayn Rand didn't go nearly far enough!"

  6. Gad, think I've got a copy of that Witzend #3 somewhere in the archives...

    The excerpt shows only two of the story's five pages.


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