Friday, May 08, 2009

Эта страница на русском языке отсутствует.

Эта страница на русском языке отсутствует.


  1. Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей !!!

  2. Хорошо регулируется милиция имеет существенное значение для безопасности свободного государства, право народа хранить и носить оружие не должно нарушаться.

  3. Brigid: LOL! Eels?

    Turk: H'mm, good point. It translates back kinda nicely.

  4. Whoa, my Cyrillic/Russki is badly out of practice.

    I won't talk about what explodes in delight at the Tobacconist's, but wasn't that supposed to be in Hungarian?

    WV: whinoot

    Wyoming Knot's second least favorite nickname.

  5. Я хотел был бы комод ящиков угождаю.

  6. Nyet, devyshka, ya nashel ono zdace'.

    Col. Gen. Shootin' Buddy,
    Order of Lenin,
    Hero of the Soviet Union,
    Banner of the Lost Dictionary Page,
    Stander in Line for the Socialist Economy,
    Wearer of Bulgarian Shoes.

  7. Was sagen sie? Meine Ruski is sehr slecht.

  8. Kamerad YeOldfurt, sagte ich auf russisch, "No, young girl (unmarried woman), I found it here."

    Roberta said, "This page in the Russian langauge is missing."

    Shootin' Buddy, Professor of Marxism

  9. There is one language I could have definitely understood this post it. Three others I *might* have understood it in. Russian just isn't on the list. Blogging in ASL could be an issue (unless you went to Vlogging instead), but would be a possible additional language for me.

    Sadly, I have no clue what's going on here. And my word verification is "sumbeg". Like I needed a captcha to tell me that.

  10. Kelly, I am distressingly monolingual; but Online Translation Is My Friend:

    It's not 100%; SB's comments, it missed "chickie" and "here." But it's pretty good.

    ...It's also an education: translating to/from Japanese is not a transparently reversible process, for example.

  11. Я могу понять слова теперь. Благодарите Вас!

  12. 그 첫번째 번역 웹사이트는 저를 위해 작동하지 않았다. Babelfish는, 그러나.

    I have my doubts about the syntax above, but I was taught a more formal version of 한국어 than is colloquial nowadays...

    WV: grantscu. What happens when your grant proposal gets highjacked...

  13. Haben Sie fart? Nein? Es muss mir.


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