"Folded" and "unfolded" pix:
A modern cartridge pen and a futuristic Western Electric 300-series desk telephone (direct dial, no less) in the background -- I just can't imagine why people call me old-fashioned!
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Love the old typewriters but typeblogging is AWESOME!
It's kinda fun. Sure makes me aware of my limitations as a typist. I'm fortunate to have been born into an age where the steno pool is not an option!
I do believe when my godson grows up, that I will have to explain to he why we "dial" a phone when it has buttons on it.
I like the type-written posts, too. Maybe I'll give it a try. I don't own a typewriter myself, but I do believe we have one of those uppity electric ones in storage at work.
Old fashioned? You call that old fashioned? Ha! How many spinning wheels do you own?
WV: hippe. Not all spinning wheel-owners are hippes, but...
I've always liked those old phones. I like the ringers, that would vibrate you out of your damned chair in the living room, dragging you my main force to the awful, loud sound, answering the phone just to get the loud, annoying noise to STOP, STOP, STOP.
I like the old phones too. They didn't break.
For a couple of years, my only phone was a refurbished candlestick with the works upgraded to 1980s phone-network standards. The ringer was in a separate stamped metal box what hung on the wall.
I practically flunked typing in Jr. High, top speed was like 15-wpm. so got a "D" there I think.
Later I had to take a special class of "Keyboarding" for work at StanFu - and couldn't. That was the year before we got XT's and floppys.
I can't look away from the keyboard and type, not unless I take Dramamine - I get nauseous and dizzy.
I barely passed the typing test required at AIT, I hit the required 40 WPM and stopped. One mistake, I think. Thank god I didn't get one of those fiendish devices with blank keys!
Just for Roberta: Happy birthday, typewriters!
WV: limac. When Apple starts making Tamara's computers in color.
Love the phone, Roberta!
My computer desk sports a red Stategic Air Command alert model, blankface w/no rotary dial. I use an AT&T external touch-tone dialer for outgoing calls. It was a going-away present when I retired from B-52 and WC-135 alert duty.
It also drives the dogs absolutely bonkers when it rings...
Typeblogging. Heehee, that's great!
I had typing class my sophomore year in HS. I did pretty well, actually. Learning to type on a manual unit resulted in my developing a pretty heavy hand for the computer keyboards I wound up using later. In fact, I broke a key on a Zenith VT-100 clone. I don't bang the keys that hard these days, and if presented with a manual typewriter, I suppose it'd take a bit to get used to it.
Re. old phones, y'all have got me beat. I do have a Western Electric Trimline, which does me no good since I don't have wired voice service any more. Except it'd make a dandy club in a pinch.
"Old-Fashioned"-means I only have to by one in a lifetime, and it works.
So not a bad thing!
Gewehr 98-- What are those glass things in the foreground of the picture?
Comment by my then -teenage son the first time he drove my '71 Nova: "Gee, Dad, all the guys think it's great how you put the dimmer switch down on the floor like that!"
I started feeling old about that time.
And typing class in HS pretty much whupped me, too.
Re: Old phones
No personal experience, but looks intriguing:
The patented Dock-N-Talk™ allows you to dock your cell phone and use your normal corded or cordless phones to make and receive your cell phone calls. Effectively turns your wireless service into "wired" service while docked.
Those glass things are part of a quartet of hot filament-driven particle accelerators, about to be put into my favorite stereo amplifier...
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