Saturday, August 15, 2009

Actual Poll Results About Health Care

You want some light to go with that heat? Try this.

Here's a taste:
Democrats are left with a public that supports overhauling the nation's system but they lack a public personally invested in that overhaul. The public supports reform but have come to believe reform will not support them.
Darn skippy it won't.


  1. Shocking news!!! There may be hope for us yet.

  2. *sigh*

    "Health Care Reform" lost me some "friends" yesterday, I think, after I pointed out the logical conclusion of their rhetoric about how "access to health care is a human right". On the other hand, I'm not sure I really want to count as friends people who fundamentally see nothing wrong with the process of collectively mugging me to buy them stuff they can't afford on their own (probably because they themselves are being mugged as well).

    Blah. It's still kinda lonely. :(

    Ok, I'll stop being all anarcho-emo in your blog, now.

    WV: "rediess" -- Mike O'Neal's worst nightmare.


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