Sunday, October 04, 2009

Have You Noticed?

AMC has rebooted the paranoid classic, The Prisoner. IFC was pushing it the other night with a marathon of the original series and today, a totally unrelated web-crawl turned up the Namibian city of Swakopmund, about as unlikely a place as a Midwesterner might imagine but very real -- and the location where the new series was filmed. It's a small world but I am once again reminded just how small.


  1. I don't get the series. It's beyond me.

  2. Too bad it's on AMC. They load everything up with commercials.....

  3. Swapkomund is real - it's about the only way you'd get away with using it in fiction,

  4. i honestly fear the rebooted series. it's possible i hold the original too dear (i *did* recently finish watching it for the first time), but i really think they're going to change too much of it.

  5. The benign evil that simply drips from every word of Ian McKellen is compelling to me, but I'm not sure they can capture the enigma of the original Patrick McGoohan series. Recall what a cock-up the attempt at remaking The Avengers turned out to be.

    I've got a hunch from the preview that this could be more "The Truman Show" than revisionist spy camp. It just isn't dark enough.

  6. The Avengers had two remakes and was worse every time; till, hope springs eternal!

    Falfenix, I don't think I have ever seen the original series all the way through -- I like it when I find it and I have many episodes of DVD (and a lot of The Avengers, too), but I don't have 'em all.

    Ian: 'strewth.

    drjim: now, yes. AMC used to be better; I really enjoyed "Remember WENN," their original series, and it had either only one or zero commercial breaks. AMC has changed a LOT since then.

    Lorimor: it isn't to everyone's taste. There's no shortage of odd in it, that's for sure!


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