Monday, January 18, 2010


Who's the sad clown?Actual cover of the actual Brady Center To Prevent Gun Ownership report. (I'm sure they'd love a link). Gee, all Fs, an' after they touted him as The Messiah, too. How it must sting.

As others have pointed out, the man's got an economy and a health care system to destroy; even with Congress to help, he can't grant all their fondest wishes in one year.

Come on, mid-terms. Come on, 2012.


  1. Our enemies are in disarray! Hurrah!

  2. The enemies of common snese may currently be in disarray, but be careful, they have a bad habit of coming up with some new lie or half-truth to gather behind and rally against freedom and common sense. I am personally proud to say that the Brady Foundation themselves helped me pick one of my handguns - they made a big stink about the FN 5.5X28 pistols, so after looking into them I decided I wanted one!

  3. Now what if Obama actually proposed pro-gun legislation? What grade with the Bradys give him? A 'Z'?


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