Friday, January 22, 2010

Liberal Talk Radio Network Goes Broke

Bye-bye, Air America. In the business world, dollars are votes; in the radio world, so are ratings. In both, you lost.


  1. Couldn't happen to a better buncha folks. All that money that Soros poured into Air America and it's all down the drain.

    Boo. Hoo.

  2. Yeah and Franken got elected to the senate? How the hell did that happen? Oh yeah it is my home State! Minnesota! Land of the Loon!! Wellstone, Ventura, Franken......I'm moving!!

  3. I didn't know they were still on the air.

    If a liberal is screaming epithets when no one is around to hear, is he still a whack-job?

    At least not one anyone wants to pay to listen to.

  4. Air America was a radio station??

    Whodathunkit. Never heard of it...


    heh. hehehe...


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