Friday, March 12, 2010

Clean Workbench!

For the first time since I moved in, I have the top of my (electronics) workbench clear. I still need to sort test gear and power and set up a soldering-iron control (I like a solid-state diode for little ones or a light bulb for the big ones, 100W and up), but it's a beginning. Who knows, I might even post a photo and maybe a schematic over at Retrotechnologist!


  1. Ya know what they say: A clean workbench is a sign of a sick mind!

  2. Yes Ma'am, please do. I'm rapidly approaching a state of a clean garage, and will finally have a workbench of my own! I'm always looking for inspiration.

  3. A clean bench is a source of inspiration. That wide field of beckoning possibilities...

  4. I have to do that to my desk about every six months: "Hey, there's a desk under here! Who knew?"

    WV: "ingst," the creeping suspicion that your polity is about to be renamed Airstrip One (or maybe Two, I guess).

  5. You MUST publish pictures! Although I've heard of such things all my life, I've never seen such a mythical creature.

  6. I think my workbench is white pine, but memory doesn't serve so well at such long distances :P


  7. Horizontal surface within my apartment inevitably accumulate...stuff. It's evil fairies, I tell you!

  8. That 100W monster would be good for making boxes from PC board. My local guru has a nice write-up at which he describes as a temporary website. (My corners aren't as square as his, but I'm workin' on it.)

  9. Almost forgot: see for the brass nuts, and for just about every kind of bolt and nut you can imagine. (WARNING: Shopping this website can be more addictive than alcohol, tobacco and marijuana!)


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