Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tommy Cat Update

High blood pressure -- way high, 180 -- and hyperthyroid. The vet's got our local compounding pharmacy working on the meds and it'll be ready tomorrow. He starts with the thyroid stuff first and his BP med a few days later.

The patient himself bore up well under his trip for super-accurate BP check today. He's been eating and is getting around fairly well. Still has unsteady moments but I think he's better.

Thank you for all your good wishes!


  1. I'm glad to hear that Tommy's on the mend!

  2. The kitty Mrs. Drang was owned by when we first started dating, and who grudgingly agreed to share me with Mrs. Drang, had a thyroid problem. To be specific, she had no thyroid gland. Evidently, this is an uncommon, but known, condition in felines. There was tissue in her chest that generated the appropriate endocrines but no thyroid. She did well on the medication.

  3. I'm glad to hear the news!


  4. Don't know about kitties, but a thyroid storm can induce tachycardia and high blood pressure in humans.

  5. But AD so can Obama and the antics in Washington!
    Get the kitty better.....We lost my youngests treasured Tom Kat last summer...and with the kids flippin Jack Russell Terrorist..not sure we'll get another...

  6. My mom's had a couple of cats with hyperthyroid conditions. Took a little tweakage of the medication but it was easy to use (gel in the ear) and they were fine. I'm glad that it's something treatable!


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