Sunday, May 02, 2010

Hasn't Babysat Recently

In a conversation in which an historic sniper came up, I remarked to Tam, "Sniper no sniping!" and was rewarded with a puzzled look. This sort of thing happens so rarely (usually I'm the one wondering wotthe..?) that I thought I'd better mark it.

One of us works with folks who have young children -- coworkers who will use the original phrase term in circumstances like the borrowing of a single-example tool. It has become an incantation.


  1. I am glad I have the context to get this one.


  2. #2 Son was briefly a Dora fan ten years ago. Now he enjoys this same joke.

  3. Got a 7 and a 4 year old.

    I know that one all too well!

  4. Worked security years ago. A coworker came in singing "Rubber Ducky, You're the one...". I had been raised pre-Sesame Street, had no idea, thought he had gone insane. I know better, now...

  5. It's a catchphrase in this household too, and we've no young children. I think we got it off a guildmate who does... the internet is such an effective meme vector it's almost scary.

  6. I can sing every Veggie Tales song...
    but right now it hurts.

    check my blog for why.

  7. "The phone...the phone is ring-ing"
    "The phone...we'll be right thewe"


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