Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May BlogMeet

...I was a little sleepy when I wrote this originally, but that sleepy? I meant, Sunday, 16 May.

(Bumped to top)

How does 15 16 May sound? Yes, it's the Broad Ripple Art Fair weekend...but hey, that just gives us all someplace to hang out beforehand!

Weather and Art Farriers* permitting, I am leaning towards Brugge -- but I'm open to suggestions.
* It is possible I've misinterpreted something here. Also I prolly ought not plan to bring a forge & anvil. NO MOTHER I AM NOT SWEARING. Sheesh.


  1. Works for me. I've been wanting to visit the fair for a couple years now.

  2. The Embassy of Turonistan will send a delegation.

  3. I should be able to make it.

    Normal start time in the afternoon?

  4. Completely OT: German machinery gymnastics at
    From a former CAT employee who knows about such things (not me), this machine weighs about 25,000 lbs.

  5. I'd bet, if you care to bring a forge and anvil, no one's going to tell you you can't...

    Reminds me of Basic Training. You have to do Guard Duty. with that many recruits having to punch that ticket, they were desperate for stuff for us to guard. I drew a quarter mile of 4 inch pipe that had yet to be stuck in the ground. After I read my instructions and looked at the 3 rounds of real ammo they gave me I asked the Drill Sergeant "So, really, what do I tell some guy who wants to haul off a 100' length of 4 inch pipe?"
    "Don't be a smart ass, Drang."

  6. Saturday instead of a Sunday? I may be able to make it but Ms. Shomes will be workin' the store.

  7. Yeah, just now looked at a calendar; the 15th is a Saturday.

  8. Then, friends, I am a MORON. Calendrically-impaired.

    Er, 16th?

  9. In Turonistan we still use the Julian calendar, which puts the May blogmeet sometime in late April, but we make adjustments.

  10. Art Farriers?

    Are those artists that work in horse shoes?

    Shootin' Buddy

  11. Well, it's the 2nd of Jumada Al-Akhir 1431 A.H., so I'm cool with that!

  12. I shant make this one - I'll be in North Carolina getting my NRA on.

  13. SB: I don't know what they wear on their feet.

  14. Ahhhh...

    I thought it was Saturday as a change of pace.

    Sunday works too.

  15. Hmm. Saturday would have worked better. We'll see; I'd really like to try Brugge's steak'n'eggs.


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