Saturday, May 01, 2010

Pro-Freedom, Pro-Market, Pro-Business

All the same, what? Poe-tato, pah-tahto,...raspberry? Turns out there's a significant difference. H'mmm. That kind of explains the Indiana Chamber's deceitful* hatin' on the guns-in-your-own-car law, too.

I'd like to claim I found this all by myself, but 'twere Radley Balko pointed me there.
* Their Prez, Big Cheese and head mouthpiece keeps talking about "guns in the workplace;" in this, he is, shall we say, shading the truth to the same degree an elderly stripper wears eye shadow and about as attractively. The law lets you keep your own personal firearm in your own personal vehicle; Mr. Employer has every right to insist it remain there as long as you're on his turf and his dime, same as he ever did. He can prolly even insist you keep it out of sight.


  1. Roberta,

    In 2003 the Weyerhauser Corp. conducted a search of the vehicles in the parking lot of their Valiant, Oklahoma facility ostensibly to look for drugs, using drug dogs. They didn't find any drugs, but did find 12 cars with guns inside. They fired the employees for violating a company rule that none of them knew existed.

    Our legislature was so troubled by the plight of the employees who were fired for having their personal guns in their personal vehicles that they enacted a law saying that no company can enact a rule disallowing anyone who has a lawful right to a firearm from keeping a gun in their locked vehicle in any area set aside for vehicles.

    Of course, businesses fought and lobbied against the law saying that it would lead to a "bloodbath" of workplace violence. The number of problems attributable to the law since it was

  2. I'm pretty sure that incident was one of the motivations for Indiana's law, too. It takes effect 1 July -- and they're already crying "bloodbath."

    OTOH, Hoosiers have been able to carry in bars -- even drink while -- for decades now: no bloodbath.

  3. "OTOH, Hoosiers have been able to carry in bars -- even drink while -- for decades now: no bloodbath."

    Despite the miracles of modern communication, this information has yet to make it to the Tennessee Legislature. Or maybe we're just more prone to spontaneous violence than your average Hoosier.


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