Tuesday, July 13, 2010

BlogMeet! This Sunday!

Remember, the big Indy BlogMeet this Sunday! 3:00 p.m. at Broad Ripple Brew Pub, 18 July.

We're hoping Farmer Frank can will be there with sweet corn!

This will be my last BlogMeet for awhile; I'm going to put them on hiatus for August. I have been unable to give planning, promotion, prep and artwork as much attention as it deserves and I'd rather stop doing it than do the kind of phone-it-in job I've done for the last two. If others want to pick an August weekend, place and time, that's fine by me. I don't own the trademark.


  1. Yep. The corn is ready and it's definitely decent. Bring your own bag or whatever to haul it away. I'll be bringing stuff from my private stock from behind the house. See ya there.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  2. I shall certainly be in attendance this time around!

  3. Well, it's good that Mrs Crucis and I can attend this one.

    Anyone know a good, cheap hotel in the area?

  4. Not directly in Broad Ripple that I know of, but I think there may be some up where Meridian or Keystone cross I-465.

  5. Thanks, Tam. We'll arrive Saturday afternoon and cruise that area and see what's available. I looked at some EconoLodge reviews and they were NOT complimentary.

    WV: groin

    Now why couldn't that WV have popped up another blog's post yesterday! Serendipity it is not.

  6. If you go on Priceline there's an extended stay deluxe (not the extended stay america) by the airport I stayed at when my AC went out and I had pneumonia and no one to look out after me. It was nice and quiet, small kitchen and easy to the freeway.

    $54 a night.

    I'm currently on a futon while I live out of boxes otherwise you'd be welcome here.

  7. Thank you, Brigid. We found a deal at the Jameson Motel in Castleton. Expedia won over Priceline and a NRA discount to boot. We expect to hit Indy this afternoon. That'll give us some time to rubber-neck before heading for the meet tomorrow. Glad you're feeling better.

  8. EVERYONE: Earl, the Library Keeper will be attending as he is our guest tonight here at the farm, so for all of you who have enjoyed HIS blog this will be your chance to meet the real deal.

    He's going to help me pick the sweet corn, so bring a bag or something to haul it away...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  9. Can't make it. Have meeting first thing Monday and just can't get it done. Sorry next time.


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