Sunday, August 22, 2010

Star Travel Souvenirs

I don't think I have yet mentioned the little "Easter egg" I posted at I Work On A Starship awhile back. One of those things, y'know, turns up in a disused suitcase and y'really otta turn it in to Proper Authorities, but....


  1. Ain't that Hiram Maxim's steam-powered flying machine, superimposed on somebody else's?

  2. Hard to say, actually. The Bell effort included a number of other prominent names -- and their ideas.

  3. Been meaning to ask you, is that "One hour in gold"?

  4. Why, yes, yes it is an hour -- like an Ithaca Hour, only (I guess) backed by gold. It's a fine example of how the unstable politics of Linden/Lyndon has made a mess of things, that their unit of exchange is the Golden Hour! Or possibly, the golden hour. Or both.

    The locals will take U.S. Dollars (when they can get them) or gold, but count your change and don't get caught carrying either.


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