Friday, December 31, 2010

Nice Morning!

Turk Turon's in town and with Tam and Brigid (who I am hoping will have has her own report posted in due time), we made a morning of it -- Mongolian Barbecue for brunch, Gander Mountain, Penzey's Spices and the amazing Artisano's for spices, oils and balsamic vinegar. (Our Crew Enters).

And on returning home, he captured the Official Childhood Portrait of Huck the Cat.

A wonderful way to spend half the day and a perfect cure for the headache I woke up with (not to mention the semi-frantic 0h-dark-thirty call from work over a "lost" password -- lost if forgetting the place it has been kept since Day One counts, that is. Guys, that clipboard you sign when logging in every day? Yeah. It's right there. Than Kew).


  1. I had a great day!!! Huck is awesome. A perfect addition to the household.

    Enjoy your New Years Eve!

  2. I'm glad you had a good day after all.


  3. While you were at Penzey's Spice, you were next to the best Thai place in town!

  4. I'm jealous...Gander and Penzey! I order from Penzeys but have never been to one of their stores. Huck is such a cutie...nothing beats a cute little yellow kitten.

  5. Looks like Huck's working his Best Stuff there...


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