Sunday, July 31, 2011

[stevenwrightvoice]Hooray, There Is A Budget Deal[/stevenwrightvoice]

Yeah, the Lincoln-green smoke rose up from the vent stack at 1600 Pennsy a couple hours ago. The Feds got themselves a budget deal.

The President claims the new budget deal pushes us back to Eisenhower Administration levels of public spending. Well, it's not Calvin Coolidge levels, let alone Peyton Randolph, but I suppose it's a start. On the other hand, specificity has not been his long suit and no one outside the principals (if them) and their stenogs and eager lackeys have actually seen the thing, so for all we know, it leases Alabama to the Martians as a game preserve to offset Federal spending.

Time will tell. No word at all about it containing an requirement to balance the budget. And remember, it's not a Depression, it's not a Depression, it's not a Depression...

PS: This.


  1. I saw what you did there, with the Robin Hood allusion.

    WV: hoomon. Is that like "Who, mon?"

  2. Oh, and the "Habemus Papam" too!

    WV: ackazona. The acknowledgement state.

  3. "the lowest level of domestic spending since Dwight Eisenhower was president"

    I would love to see how he calculated this. That would tell a lot. Somehow I don't think he's taking a dollar amount and adjusting for inflation via the government figures.

    once they deem this junk passed, I guess it's on to the gunwalker-fast-furious hearings. What did the president know and when did he know it?

  4. ...I'm sure his John Banner impersonation will be flawless.

  5. It supposedly cuts $1.2 trillion from the budget over ten years. That will reduce the annual $1.4 trillion deficit to a paltry $1.28 trillion, which still dwarfs the deficits of any previous administrations.

    Ignoring, of course, that budget cuts demanded by one congress are not binding on the following one. Pure political theater.

    The Republicans and Democrats are pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people.

  6. The President claims the new budget deal pushes us back to Eisenhower Administration levels of public spending.

    I f------ doubt that. But it's a nice thought, and would be a great step in the right direction.

  7. Evidently, the White House is claiming that the percentage of government spending of GDP drops to a historic low, if you only count discretionary spending.

    In other words, this is historically low spending of that tiny fraction of the government that is filled with pork but isn't actually causing our deficit problem at all.

    Once again, Obama's little rhetorical trick is to mislead.

  8. Standard Mischief said...

    "once they deem this junk passed, I guess it's on to the gunwalker-fast-furious hearings. What did the president know and when did he know it?"

    He might not have known the details, but he knew what was going on. Any denial is a flat out lie. Why else would he tell Sarah Brady they were working on gun control "under the radar". He needs to be impeached and him and Holder extradited to Mexico to answer for the deaths of hundreds of Mexican police and civilians. Maybe the two criminals can share a cell in a Mexican prison.

  9. Hey, we get two kinds of spending cuts - insignificant and imaginary.

    My chances of being a billionaire before retirement are looking better and better.

  10. "The Republicans and Democrats are pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people."

    Again. Oh well, when it's the only trick you know, you do it until everyone's impressed, or until they've figured it out and grow tired of it....

    WV: urejack

    Interesting, that is exactly what the guy in the red Toyota started to say when I accidentally cut him off this morning. I wonder how it knows.


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