Sunday, August 21, 2011

Roseholme Redux

I went looking for Tudor Rose artwork with an eye to making a stencil for Roseholme Cottage and found this:
The symbol is now used extensively within countries of the former British Commonwealth, as well as those remaining in it, to denote a professional intelligence organisation.
So, it's black ops and intel all the way down, then?


Good thing I have my cloak and dagger right handy.


  1. It's similar to parts of the U.S. Army Intelligence Corps insignia:

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Spike Milligan, writing of his time in the British Army, had a vastly different usage of the term.
    (Hint - it involved wallpaper...)

  4. Ah, you grow ever more mysterious, Roberta...

  5. I clicked the first link and the first thing I noticed was the pentagon shape - coincidence???

  6. Personally, I blame the Trilateral Commission.

  7. Justthisguy: I told you several days ago to GTFO. I was not kidding.

  8. The flat disk on a turtle sounds like Terry Pratchett's premise. Maybe thats where he got the idea.

  9. Every time I hear that expression "It's turtles, all the way down". I always wonder, down to what?


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