Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Trying to fix a bad economy by the application of more and more government is like trying to treat hemophilia by putting more and more leeches on the patient.

...Although in both cases, the bleeding does eventually stop.


  1. You have that right.

    "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
    - Thomas Jefferson

  2. Is the goal treating the hemophilia, or feeding the leeches?

  3. The leaches are doing well, thriving even. The patient, alas looks seriously anemic.

    .GOV, WE do it wrong to excess.


  4. I don't cheer the inevitable end of our little experiment. Perhaps we can take solace in the fact that the ones that most know it will end are both the most prepared and the most interested in liberty.

    Still, the transition is likely to be horrific.


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