You can keep your ales and lagers, your 200-year-old Scotch; I've got mild ginger ale over mild egg-nog ice cream, both very high-quality examples of their respective arts, and it's gooooooood.
It's already making me feel more warmly inclined towards the rest of the human race.
2 months ago
"feel more warmly inclined towards the rest of the human race".
Boy could I use some of that!!
I speed-read, and sometimes err...
I thought it read 'Why I'm Drinking'
Vernors, of course?
Sounds tasty and Christmasy.
I'll have to join you in spirit.
Vernor's would be good but I went milder still: Fever Tree, usually sold as a mixer for drinks.
I take my mild egg nog straight up thank you. Ginger ale makes me crazy. :)
She's a wild woman, that one.
I'll stick to my brown cows, thank you. I wish I could still get Frostie root beer. Even if the mascot on the bottle did look like (in my brother's words) a cross between Santa Claus and Charles Manson.
Fever Tree sounds dangerously medicinal.
Northern vote for Vernors, thanks.
The Crown Royal needs a bit of wimp added.
Not to be contrary, but I felt very warmly inclined towards the rest of the human race after a couple of good-sized belts of Makers 46 before and after the wedding yesterday.
Some people's families can truly drive one to drink. The bride might as well be my daughter, but thank goodness most of the rest of her family aren't actually related to me...
You can keep your ales and lagers . . .
You can drink your fancy ales,
you can drink them by the flagon,
but the only brew for the brave and true,
comes from the Green Dragon.
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