Pretty good turnout for a spur-of-the-week BlogMeet:
Old Grouch,
Shermlock, the recovering
Brigid, Don -- aka Lurker 2 -- and spouse,
The Jack,
Tam K. and
Mr. Engineering Johnson, a first-time attendee! Photo to follow, if it came out. (
Brigid's came out better.)

...Which it did. Several folks decided to not be photographed in, of all places, a
pub (and I can well understand, Carrie Nation not being quite as departed as one might hope). (That's a joke, I say,
that's a joke, son....) This did not include The Jack, who fell victim to my photographic, er, "skills." (I prefer candid shots -- but they do not always work out. Or is it "always do not?")
I did get some things in a very short visit to the Indy 1500: two books (including the latest M. Z. Williamson) and a knife for a co-worker. And possibly more; stay tuned!
I got a few photos, will post in a couple hours after I finish Frau Helga's Physical Therapy assignment for the day (it involves a large inflatable ball, unflattering gym shorts and several four letter words).
It was great to see everyone again.
Cool! All I did today was shoot and install a TV in the basement.
Did Mad Mike have a table at the Indy 500?
Durn it. Sorry I missed you all but especially Brigid.
Just try to keep the next one away from the 12th of February; I'll be on the road headed west from the Den of Iniquities, AKA Washington DC, that day.
Glad you are feeling better. I was hoping on making the Indy show and blog meet, but sleeping in won out. Hope to make the spring show.
SP: Yes, he did! And autographed my book.
I'll second Nathan's motion and amend to request that you schedule for Feb. 19. I'm sorry that I couldn't make it this weekend.
Her eyes! I can see Tam's eyes!
Would a scream be funny at this juncture?
Mike James
I understand Padre attended too. I'm glad he was able to meet you all.
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