Sunday, February 12, 2012

Slept In

(It got down to 15°F last night --you'd've needed much better camping gear that I have to've slept out.)

Whatever the sinus thing is, it never really went away yesterday. As I'd already incurred a big sleep-debt...the bill came due. I'd be asleep right now, but I need to make some breakfast.


  1. Canvas wall tent, propane stove heat, 40 gallons of propane piped in, decent sleeping bag ... luxury.

  2. Try some HOT MEXICAN STYLE salsa. Eaten with anything, chips,tacos. enchiladas,etc, it clears out my sinuses and makes sweat. I have used it for years for sinus headaches.

  3. 15°....9° in my neck of the state, I believe it too as Saturday night at around 8:30 I discovered that the thermocouple in my furnace had bit the dust earlier in the evening. Bought 2 Sunday morning. What are the odds I'll remember where I put that spare a few years from now?

  4. Tie-wrap or wire it to one of the heat ducts?

  5. Good idea. Now, if I could only remember where I put it


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