With my Buy A Gun Day purchase of a Colt Government Model .380 at Roby's in Kokomo (nice shop, nice guys, stop in and tell 'em Roberta X set ya), I'm well on my way:

Bottom to top, left to right, Colt Pony, Colt Mustang, Star DK, Colt Government .380, Star SS.

The Pony is DAO, of course, functionally just about a "flat revolver." All the rest have substantially identical lockwork -- and the original design for it is (AFAIK) Star's! Slides are a different story, with the Spanish duo carrying their typical external extractors and every one of the Colts faithful to the original JMB (PBUH) internal type.
The Colts were made in a variety of finishes and both steel and the "Pocketlite" versions I own. Some even in stainless or nickle-plated. So I don't quite have the full set. Yet.
That chrome star looks exactly like my Llama IIIA. They are great little guns, I carry mine in a ankle holster as a backup to my Llama X1A 45. I like the fact that both pistols have the same controls.
Nice collection, I'm almost jealous.
Bobbi, I interviewed the project manager with Colt last weekend about the new and improved Mustang Pocketlite that they're bringing back out again. I must say, it's quite an improvement. I need to post that interview.
What about an original, single action Pony?
Robert's a better man than I, 'cause I'm jealous.
That's a neat little collection, I'm jealous.
Very, very nice! I too am jealous!
About ten year's accumulation in that. And the amusing part is, a year or so before I bought the first one (the Pony), I had passed up a Government Model at the "outrageous" price of nearly $400. Ouch.
envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy What? Almost jealous?! envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy envy
I sold my Colt Pony to my buddy for less than I had paid. I liked the carry weight and size, didn't like the "sights". And REALLY didn't like the trigger.
Then I found the only one that is not in your collection, so far. It's an Iver Johnson Pony .380 .It has a cool Owl on the left, on the slide. Apparently, very similar to your Star DK. The IJ only came with one Magazine. Haven't fired it yet. But it has a hammer, SA and Double Action, and a safety. The Colt Pony had none of the above
I also saw at the Gun Show this weekend: An Iver Johnson .32 cal. Nickeled revolver. Pretty affordable. It was the only IJ in the whole place. Should have picked that up.
I went home with a CZ 83. Very hefty. Can't wait to try it.
Cheers, JBAC
Hello ! I use the same Star but version especially made for US market called Mod. SIS in .32 ACP. Not bad weapon but in .380 it's better choice. It's strong gun as for that small size, they're often made rather weak sometimes alloy frame. SIS is steel frame little too thin so I've changed grips.
I used to have a little Colt Mustang Plus II. Mustang slide & barrel on a Gov't body. that made no real sense as the grip is the hardest part to conceal, but I like it anyhow. I've heard people complain about the sights on the Mustangs, AMT Backup, et al and scratched my head. These are really "Get off me!" guns for use at 0-7 yards. I wouldn't expect too many users to be actually using the sights as much as point shooting.
You might be surprised about the sights; I don't find them especially inadequate and they're better than the ones on many a classic revolver. These little guns are fine at seven yards or more. YMMV.
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