Monday, May 07, 2012


I thought it was good. You might consider it a side dish: mushrooms sauteed in a smidgen of butter, "Southwest" frozen veggies (black beans, onion, red and green peppers) plus steamed-fresh broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, with a hardboiled egg chopped over it and served over steamed rice. Dee-lish! And just about hands-free -- rice and veggies all got quick-nuked, the egg practically boils itself, so all I had was washing and slicing the fungi and popping it in a covered pan with the butter. Everything else joined 'em as it came out of the microwave.

Doesn't need seasoning, instant rice being quite salty enough and the good Irish butter, a dab'll do ya.


  1. INSTANT RICE? Bobbi, Bobbi, please! There's more flavor in the box....two C. water (stock is better), one C. long-grain rice, boil H2O, add 2 tsp. butter, salt, & rice. Cover, simmer 20 min., fluff & serve. Every Aisan boy knows how. JohninMd(help?)

  2. More flavor and more time -- real rice takes 45 minutes!

    Uncle Ben's has precooked rice that beats most kinds of "instant." It'll do.

  3. As someone who's allergic to mushrooms I am constantly horrified by your kitchen narratives.

    But you sure make poison sound tasty!


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