Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Shooting Sports

Even the British Olympic Committee can't ignore them: there's a web-page for the shooting competitions. In the U.S., you may need it -- in past years, NBC has largely ignored this part of the Games.

Competition begins tomorrow!

(It's strange, I keep thinking I've heard someone say, "...And may the odds be ever in your favor!" in the background during the Olympics ads and news items on TV.)


  1. Those guys are amazing. I've seen Jack Du Toit shoot, and he is better than anyone I know will ever hope to be. And yes, the skills you learn with those pricey Olympic free pistols translate extremely well into "regular" shooting, because what he can do with a 45 will scare you half to death. And the guys who actually get on the Olympic teams are Zen warriors- May they all shoot well and safely.

  2. As an Olympic Freak, I find it really annoying to have to listen to Bob Costas wasting TeeWee Air Time chit-chatting in his Fake Living Room Set with someone who is hoping to get a Bronze Medal at BEST while I have to go to the Web to find out what happened at the Games.

  3. I heard on Bob & Tom this morning that there is a pregnant woman from Malaysia competing in shooting this year. Of course being Bob & Tom, they were woefully lacking in details...

  4. The Olympics ... or what the British call a "Spanner".


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