Wednesday, August 29, 2012

.22 Revolver Roundup!

Git along, little plinkies.... I should've aligned them with the quilt pattern! (That pattern has a name, do you recognize it?)

Here's the H&R 622 and holster rig in all its glory: Snazzy!

The Colt Police Positive Target .22 is positively gracile alongside the Iver Johnson and High Standard .22s:(All a bit blurry, hurried snapshots -- I need sunlight to make better photos and there wasn't time.)


  1. Love this post. I have 2 H&R 922s and a H&R 999 Sportsman.
    As for the quilt...Double Wedding Ring?

  2. I used to have an old H&R 9 shot and an IJ 8 Shot many years ago. I'm still kicking myself to this day I ever sold them.

    Yours look very nice.

  3. My Envy Meter is just about pegged.

  4. Rx

    I know this is off topic, but saw this on NBC and thought it was hilarious, given all the recent hoopla and your various posts about topic in past.

    Context: Comment made in response to police shooting in NY at Empir State Bldg by NY Mayor Takeyourrightsaway -

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "If somebody pointed a gun at you, and you had a gun in your pocket, what would you do?"

    Which in one short sentence refutes EVERYTHING he purports to stand for/believe/force upon everyone else. What a quisling piece of kaka!

    Nice to meet you at blogmeet by-the-by....

  5. If all of that and a large box of ammo isn't a days worth of fun, I don't know fun.

  6. Very nice!

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. *gasp* That'th an arthenal!


    Mike James

  8. Nice collection, and cheap to shoot too!

  9. Double-Wedding Ring. If a single woman sleeps under it, she'll be an old maid. Or so kitchen-table legend has it.

  10. Wow. I have met someone with more .22LR revolvers than me... Very nice, Roberta!

  11. 2AL: Proven if you accept a sing;e data point as valid!

    Jay G: Wow!

  12. I love those top-break rimfires. Everytime I see one for sale I'm 'this' close to getting it.

  13. They really are fun -- and the conventional ones are not far behind.

    My experience with the Iver Johnson has been an eye-opener -- before gunsmith repair, it was an average gun, a "meh." Now it's a *treat* to shoot!

  14. (BTW, to Dale W: an illuminating interview indeed. Bloomie's degree of doublethink is simply staggering!)

  15. The top right revolver, the smallest one, what is that? A budy of mine bought one at an auction and knows nothing about it.

  16. It's an H&R Young America, made in the 19th Century and not rated for modern ammo. I have shot it with .22 Colibri, very low-pressure loads, and it works just fine.
    There's a little more about it at this post.


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