Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lingustic Patrol Returns!

Mangled Term Of The Day:  Hate Mongrel (...wha'...???)  As in, "Don't be a hate mongrel," seen in comments to a news story about Pagan Pride Day and a Catholic Youth Organization track meet having to share Broad Ripple Park (little scheduling conflict, oopsie, but they worked it out).

     I've thought for years that "hone in"* should be the star attraction at any Sideshow Of Violated Verbiage, but it has been dethroned.  "Hate Mongrel." Gads.

     Somewhere in the afterlife, Cyril Kornbluth is laughing.
* This staggeringly wrong usage is absolutely consistent with a culture in which nobody has ever sharpened anything with their own precious little hands. One is tempted to look askance at Ron Popeil but he only set the style.


  1. Reminds me of the time that a local science fiction convention shared a venue with a Christian youth rally. Needless to say there were a few attacks of weirdness but everyone seemed to have survived with their delicate psyches intact.

  2. Sounds like a poli sci professor I had one time; he was always using the word "irrelavent" in his talks.

  3. I know that it's supposed to be hatemonger, but "hate mongrel" does work in this sort of off-the-leash bad-dog image, doesn't it.

  4. Or whoremongrel, like the former Attorney General of New York, Elliot "Client No. 9" Spitzer.

  5. More specifically what kind of bark does a hate mongrel have? A deep Labradorean Woof-Woof or bright Yorkie Yipp-Yipp!?

  6. Had a neighbor once that had a hate mongrel.

    Dog was even mean to his bowl of kibble.


  7. I'm totally a hate mongrel. Instead of being one of those purebred haters who only pick one thing, like Jews or Eskimos, I hate everybody equally. ;)

  8. I worked with a fine fellow and pleasant coworker who always said "In Lieu" as if it meant "in View". It was fingernails on the chalkboard* to me, but I kept my mouth shut.

    Is this still a good metaphor or simile? Does Gen Y, Z, AA, AB, etc. still know what chalk is in a schoolroom setting or is it exclusively something for decorating sidewalks now?


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