Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fame, Such As It Is

Fleeting -- and yet, my very favoritest Indiana State Supreme Court Justice keeps getting in the news, and always for the same thing.

    (Speaking of fame, lookit who got quoted!  Oooooo.)

     And remember, when the ballot asks, "Retain Justice Steven H. David?" the answer is NO!


  1. Looks like Berner's only argument as to why David's majority decision was 'acceptable' was because it follows the model of 40 other states.

    I'm not thinking that makes it okay, but just shows that stupidity is catching.

  2. Silly rabbit, only .gov is allowed to do any spitting! :)

  3. Bobbi X! Famous on the Internet!

  4. Drang, Yes! And we all knew her back when.



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