Saturday, June 15, 2013

Grumpy, Grumpy

     Antigunners protested Thursday along the Monon Trail in Broad Ripple -- actually, on the comfy deck at Westfield & Westfield, presumably because, hey, comfy deck; it's not a high-traffic area. Tam says it was a dozen, plus or minus.  Local media (the one or two who noticed) claim "nearly thirty."  Whichever, they look to be a grumpy lot.


  1. Twenty total, less three known members of the press, leaves seventeen, less any organizers on MAIG's dime... leaves probably a dozen, yeah.

  2. I left this comment for them;

    Almost 30? WOW. The last pro gun rally we had here we had over 5000 people show up. A lot more people support gun rights. Their 80% figure is a lie. If 80% of the people wanted expanded background checks, it would have happened. This is just another bunch of gun haters spending Bloomberg's money.

    They hate to hear those kind of facts.


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