Friday, April 04, 2014

Imogen Heap Has Fixed The Theremin

     The theremin is an interesting instrument; brilliant in conception, difficult to play and limited in control.  The Thimbletron gloves developed by TradeMark G of the Evolution Control Committee are a fascinating user-interface, limited to the number of feasable fingertip-touch combinations, and how fast can you mime "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider?"

     Imogen Heap plays a dizzying array of instruments, some of them via varied and wondrous UIs.  Her latest notion is "musical gloves," using the entire range of gestural motions: driving a modern synth, it's Theremin times Thimbletron, cubed!*   The UI options are huge. The end result crosses playing an instrument with dance -- at least with the software she's running. 

     You might do something else, and you have a chance to find out: the software's open-source and the gloves are getting Kickstartered!
That's (Ther * Thimb)^3, I mean, and possibly an understatement.


  1. And I didn't even know it was broken.

  2. Been a big fan of Imogen Heap since iMegaphone, myself.

  3. I'm now backing the Kickstarter; I'd love to see this come to fruition.


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