Friday, August 15, 2014

Don't Try This At Home, Kids!

     Tower guys slicing out a bit of the top of one of the towers on the building formerly known as the Sears Tower in Chicago, so they can mount a "gin pole," a kind of footless crane, and take down some unused antennas.

     It curdles my hair to watch.


  1. I am really glad I watched that BEFORE caffeine. Because nope.

  2. I've been to the top of that building once, that was enough for me. It takes a special kind of insanity to want to make a living erecting sky scrapers or climbing towers.

  3. Can we say vertigo??? Sheesh...

  4. I'm pretty sure that's what our President would call "not a smidgen" of Nope right there, and yes, that's the kind of Nope that is so Nope that it deserves capitalization.

  5. I think it's always been the John Handcock tower. The Sears tower is now called the Willis tower.

  6. John Hancock is famous for the Xs on the outside. IIRC, National Geographic did an article on it as an example of a modern multi-use tower when I was a youngster.


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