Friday, March 13, 2015

Farewell, Sir Terry

     Terry Pratchett has left the planet, far too early. 


  1. Saddening for sure, but it's what he wanted.
    Glad to hear you're starting to feel better.


  2. Looks like you're gonna have to pick up some of the SF writing slack Roberta.

  3. It would have been worse if he'd lingered for a dozen more years.

    Don't give up on the writing. I always look forward to the best I Work On A Starship chapter.


  4. JohninMd.(HELP?!??)March 13, 2015 at 9:00 PM

    Totally off topic, but are you guys aware of a restaurant in Indy called the Tamale Place? Just caught it on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Looked good!

  5. Anon: And it would've been better if his brain function had stayed normal. That didn't happen either. I'm just sad he's gone, same as I was sad when I learned of his troubles.

  6. As for me writing, I'm down to having a half-hour or so a day. My own health seems to not be very good.

  7. Thank both you and Tam for opening my eyes to the wonder of Discworld, Sir Pratchett will be missed.

  8. He will be missed. No question. But he's in a better place now.

  9. He was a great author. I read all of his books the library had and bought the rest. The last 2 were weak, but given his condition understandable. I will miss his quirky sense of humor.


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