Gah. If we were supposed to be active at this time of day, it wouldn't be so difficult to accomplish.
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Monday, May 04, 2015
When You Read This...
...I will already have left for work, some time before 0330 0300. In the morning, none of your slugabed fifteen-thirty hundred hours, oh no. It's early to rise and nothing but virtue, coffee and bloodshot eyes. Or a reasonable approximation thereof of the first and second items, and if I am very, very lucky, someone in one of the other early-at-it departments will have brought in donuts. (ETA: They did not. And the breakroom's honor system supply of cellophane-packaged bite-sized donuttage is a nasty-tasting off brand.)
Gah. If we were supposed to be active at this time of day, it wouldn't be so difficult to accomplish.
Gah. If we were supposed to be active at this time of day, it wouldn't be so difficult to accomplish.
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Yea donuts!
Thank goodness Caffeine is now officially a Good Thing to drink...
ReplyDeleteStarting your day in the belly of the night can not be fun...
ReplyDeleteI have frequently had to remind myself that if the job were easy, they would have hired an entry-level.
And (2), "donuttage". Yes. Absolutely. Marvelously appropriate invention.