Friday, June 19, 2015

$10 Worth Of "Irony Lies Bleeding"

     So, they want to get stiff-necked statist Alexander Hamilton off the tenner and replace him with a woman, do they?  I'm okay with that -- personally, I'd rather say goodbye to Andy Jackson, but at least he's got a slightly better claim to be on money.

     So why not put Ayn Rand's face on the $10?  It'll please Rand fans a bit, since she'd be getting recognition; Rand foes can chortle over putting a strong advocate of money of inherent value on flimsy Federal fiat greenbacks. Feminists will get a strong woman, male chauvinists will get another spooky chick with scary eyes to fume about; conservatives will get a Republican, libertarians will get a minarchist and liberals will get either an abortion supporter or something to gripe about, depending on their mood and which will irk their parents the most.  Total win!


  1. ooo, good post. rolls off the tongue, so to speak. well formed. +1, would read again.

  2. I'd like it if they put Jacqueline Cochran on the ten.

  3. I was hoping for gun totin' Republican Harriet Tubman to replace Genocidal Democrat Andy Jackson, too...


  5. Speaking of irony, Andy Jackson on a Federal Reserve Note...

  6. Carrie Nation is the obvious choice.

  7. Mary Jo Kopechne.

  8. Abigail Adams would be my choice: "Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors."

  9. When do we get the official USPS Lysander Spooner 3 cent postage stamps?


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