Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Floor Drain!

     Called the plumber this morning, after more unsuccessful attempts to get at the stopped-up floor drain.  They were pleased to tell me they could get around to me...Monday.  It was disappointing, but you don't want them with so little work they can't stay in business.  They offered to put me on the "standby" list, which I accepted.

     Wouldn't you know, Hope Plumbing (they spring eternal)* called in the afternoon and said if I would be home in about a half an hour, a plumber could meet me.  Checked with the boss and he okayed it.

     $239 and some deft hammer work and a minor drain-snaking later, I have a working floor drain.  The drain grate and cleanout were stuck fast; the grate popped out when struck but the brass plug -- much thinner than I expected -- had to be bashed in and replaced by an expansion plug like the one on the main cleanout.  A little messy (the plumber cleaned up the very worst of it) but much better.
* One of the very only plumbing companies I know of that keeps chickens. Because who doesn't like fresh eggs?


  1. How does one go about vetting plumbing companies by determining their chicken population?
    Sounds time consuming?


  2. I don't know -- Hope is proud of their chickens. They've even featured them on their web page. Alas, it means you probably can't pay them with chickens, since they're already poultry-rich.

  3. A snake required is usually a sign of roots.

    Use the copper stuff to kill em. But you probably have more plumbing in your future. Sorry. Hope I'm wrong, but that is what rainy-day funds are about. (Actually had tiles dug up on 2 separate houses in 2 different cities.)

    Been there. done that. (it is amazing how much they want to create a mess in your front yard.

    It seems to be an unwritten rule that someone - the city, the builder - will plant a tree right on top of the main tile. In an older neighborhood the tiles are are clay. The roots love them.

  4. This was just mud, right at the drain a bit offset from the center of the basement floor. It was holding the backflow preventer valve shut.


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