Saturday, October 24, 2015


     Firefox appears to have lost all my open tabs.  So it goes.

     There's about a zillion leaves in the yard.  Guess what my tasks will include, the next two days....

     Later:  Good news, everyone!  I found my tabs!  And it's raining, so no leaf work.


  1. " There's about a zillion leaves in the yard. Guess what my tasks will include, the next two days.... "

    No neighborhood youth around to rake a yard for twenty bucks while you berate and curse Firefox?

  2. Cheat - there's some nifty tab/session archiver plugins for Firefox, and now that it's getting a bit unstable (230+ tabs open yes I'm a horrible person), it's nice to be able to just click and recover the entire session - you can even recover all but the last tab (which caused the crash in the first place argh), and it'll save multiple sessions.

    IIRC the one I use is Session manager, but I'm typing at work on IE so I'm not able to check at the moment.


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