Monday, December 19, 2016

It's -1°F

     So of course, I have to go assist a mechanical engineer and his helper with some outside work at the North Campus -- unless they cancel.

     As is ever the case with this kind of skilled-trade outcall, I probably won't know until they don't show up.  This isn't the day I would pick for the measurements they'll be making, but if I knew as much as they knew, we wouldn't have needed to hire them.


  1. Here's hoping that they call ahead to say they've discovered more urgent indoor work somewhere.

  2. Just out of curiosity, from one engineer to another, what do they supposedly know that you don't? No snark intended. And unless taking these measurements are extraordinarily physically active in nature they'd be wise to call out. I've sat still in that kind of weather and it's no fun at all.

  3. It's tower work -- plumb and guy wire tension. Specialized stuff.

  4. IOW, the temperature is in the double hexadecimal digits, absolute.


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