Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Bzzz...This Is A Recording...Click...Beeep!"

     Yeah, yeah, Roberta X here, live and direct from last night, because today, I'm off early in the morning to see my Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, who is going to read the auguries of my sinuses to me -- and without even having to hack them free and lay them out on the table, which is a considerable improvement on the old Roman model.

     What do I expect?  Nothing.  I've danced this dance before and it has come up empty every time; but it has been more than fifteen years since the last round and who knows, maybe there's something to see or some improvement to be made.  It's highly unlikely either of those will be the case, so I'm not looking for anything more than a guided tour of my sinus cavities, led by an expert guide who has hunted many similar caverns and knows what to watch for. ("I'll remain here in the van while Jim ascends the nasal concha to search for the entrance to the frontal sinus and whatever strange creatures dwell within....")


  1. Maybe dust the cobwebs off the ultra secret miniaturization program and bring Raquel Welch out of retirement?

    Of the film's leads, I think she is the only one still with us.

    I recall a long ago trip to the ENT and even though I saw that he was going to put a largish cotton swab into my nose, he switched it with what I was fairly certain was a cleaning rod for a large bore cannon.

  2. My proscription against sinus troubles: adequate sleep, daily application of Flonase, occasional Zyrtec. When I was working I used to get regular allergy shots.

  3. Long ago I needed to have my allergies/sinuses evaluated and went to a specialist. I remember well the nasal insertion of the 6 foot cotton swab that had been immersed in some extremely bitter potion, and was left in place for what seemed to be hours. The sensation was very like waterboarding, with the added touch of that foul tasting liquid.

    The reward for this was an undeniably pleasant feeling, for the rest of the day, the most clear and pleasant nasal breathing I had ever experienced.

    Like most things in life, the event is much less disturbing than the idea of it.


  4. Hope things come back okay. I know my sinus surgery earlier this year helped me (and it's been over 20 years since the last go round). BUT that was a painful recovery this time... sigh... And the numb nose is/was a truly strange feeling!


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