Sunday, May 20, 2018

Tamara Keel Needs Your Help

     She's going to fuss at me for this, but oh well.

     Tam fell and broke her collarbone early Sunday morning.  This is not a good bone for an adult to break, since about all they can do it put you in a sling or immobilizer while it heals, and it hurts considerably if you move wrong.  It hurts a lot more than that before treatment; she made it as far as the dining room before deciding that calling an ambulance was the only way forward.*

     The ER checked her over, did a set of X-rays and gave her a basic sling along with a prescription for a few days of painkillers and quite firm instructions to check with the orthopedic specialists come Monday.

     It won't be cheap.  She needs a working collarbone to continue doing the work to write the kinds of articles her readers enjoy, like the 2,000-round tests of a wide range of handguns, modern and classic.

     There's a PayPay tip jar on Tam's blog.  She's got a Patreon, which also gets you valuable extra snark and informed opinion.  Some money in either one -- or both, if you choose to -- would be a huge help to her.  Even warm, positive thoughts will be helpful.

     Healing time for a broken collarbone is around three months, minimum, and she'll be off shotgun use for awhile longer.
* Tam and I both view calling for a flashing-lights-and-siren ride as a last resort, and aspire to a Stoic ideal.  Aspiration is one thing -- broken bones tend to trump that ace, decisively.  Accepting the inevitable is a Stoic virtue, too.


  1. Oh no!!!! I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers for fast healing.

  2. As a 911 dispatcher, I can say with confidence that the ambulance was the right call in this case. I understand the philosophy, I’m right there with you on the “last resort, I’ll drive myself or die trying!” Bus... but yeah a broken collarbone is no bueno and absolutely justifies calling the nice people with the knowledge and the straps and the drugs.

    Give her our love from FarmFamVille, I’m not gonna big her direct. Just catch her whenever the pain pills allow her to wake up ��

  3. “Accepting the inevitable is a Stoic virtue, too.“
    A good point.

  4. Pass along my good wishes for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery. I'll hit the tip jar when I can.

  5. Damn. And the thing is there's not a whole lot to do about a clavicle. I mean, it's a designed point-of-failure, protecting both the neckbone and shoulder bone. That means it's a good thing. Kinda. Sorta. Still hurts like the dickens, though.

  6. Ouch ! My wife busted her collarbone in a roll over accident. Not fun at all - it was good to seek immediate attention. I hope she feels better soon - prayers, smoke and positive thoughts for her.

  7. Oh no! Lots of love. Take care

  8. I too hate the expensive ride with flashing lights.
    However, I've had to do it twice now - not bad for 70 years!
    Hoping for the best possible recovery time for her.


  9. Oh, not good news. I'll sneak some money into the paypal as soon as possible. Give her my best wishes.

  10. I'll hit the tip jar next payday. I'll tell Tamara what I tell the grandkids. Be careful. They don't make parts for you anymore.

  11. Hint about tip jar taken.

    On the bright side, maybe she can come up with a series on how to deal with a gun when only one arm is available. She surely isn't the only gun owner who has broken their arm.

  12. hopefully she did not trip over a cat. I have broken mine twice. One I remember and one I don't. The one I remember was bad enough. It will be uncomfortable for a time. Ill try to hit the tip jar later in the month.

  13. Sorry to hear that, hope she heals quickly!

    I'll bump up the Patreon!

  14. She, uh, well, she fell out of her chair in front of the computer. After falling asleep. She fell hard enough to wake me, sleeping in my room at the other end of the hall.

  15. "She, uh, well, she fell out of her chair in front of the computer. After falling asleep. "

    Great. Now I have one more thing to worry about.

    I've also taken the hint about the tip jar. Here's to a quick recovery.

  16. Tip jar target acquired. "x" hit.
    Hope she recovers quickly and completely. Follow the doc's advice.
    What a way to break a bone!

  17. Tip jar rattled. Hoping you both feel better quickly!

  18. My sincere feels for the Good Lady!
    I broke my collarbone in the mid-90's, so I have intimate sympathy for the situation. I had to drive my self to the ER with one wing held tightly to my chest to keep from passing out!

    Tam, I'm sure you have sufficient creative thoughts and snark stored up to keep us entertained until your shooty hand is back in service. Take care of you, and good thoughts. Milk is your friend right now!!

  19. Just realized I should clarify: I had no choice but to drive myself. No cell phone, no-one else nearby to provide assistance!!

    Not a fun experience, and not one I would wish on anyone else. Glad to see you called the men-with-happy-drugs to take you in.

    Bon Chance!

  20. Prayers. Many, many. I like her blogs. As a geezer with a bare paucity of internet security understanding, I never conduct money business online. Might there be a PO box to send contributions to?

  21. Our prayers for a swift and full recovery. I would like to contribute but I don't see a mailing address. Ancient curmudgeon that doesn't do money online, bitten once, twice shy.


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